Nature Coaching
“I live in fullness”
Individual coaching is about identifying your personal obstacles that are preventing you from reaching your full potential
not allowed to unfold (yet).
We focus on activating the specific resources that you need most for your personal evolution.
This allows you, for example
harmonize your relationships
recognize your life's purpose
Find fulfillment in your job
become financially independent
follow your heart's path with confidence
feel alive, healthy and vital
feel deep joy of life
In this process we prefer to use the forces of nature. for example through the use of plants or
during a resource walk in the forest.
I work with methods from the area of systemic coaching, reconnecting, mediality,
deep relaxation and scent coaching.
The aim of the coaching is to get you with the Connecting with the awareness that you already have everything you need
to create the transformation in your life that you desire.

Susanne Reisch
Nature Coach
"Energy follows attention"
(HUNA principles)
Follow your intuition... motto for many years.
That took me to other countries & cultures.
Allowing the center of my life to change many times.
My work as a project manager, Work 4.0 Consultant & Design Thinking Coach
always have to be realigned.
This path led me to Tirtha Ötfa Tanya - our place of power.
Our nature resort with many power places provides active support and offers a protected framework for coaching.
My work in process work is based on intuitive perception.
The basis is formed by methods from Barea of systemic coaching, reconnecting,mediality,
deep relaxation and scent coaching.
I have been working and living in creative power for many years and am happy to accompany you on your personal path to abundance.